IN GOOD COMPANY: A Brief Moment with Stephanie Hoff

[New York: Stephanie Hoff in LES (Interview Taken 4/09/2017). Photos taken in Lower East Side. Photographed by Brandon Nunn. Stephanie wears Safety tee from SAENAI.]


SAENAI: Where are you From
Stephanie Hoff: Toronto

SAENAI: Best part / Best thing in NYC?
Stephanie Hoff: I feel it's the centre of the universe. 

SAENAI: Whom inspires you currently?
Stephanie Hoff:  Jon Moritsugu, Alan Moore, David Lynch, Robert Crumb, Annie Lebowitz, Andre 3000, Ralph Bakshi, Kathleen Hanna, Dario Argento, Kenneth Anger, H. R. Giger, John Waters, Lydia Lunch, David Cronenberg, Rei Kawakubo, Isabella Rossellini, Nick Cave, Gilbert Hernendez, Sun Ra, Peter Bagge, Phyllis Diller, Roman Polanski, Richard Corben, and Patti Smith, to name a few. 

SAENAI: Are you Introverted / Extroverted?
Stephanie Hoff:  Introverted. Definitely.

SAENAI: Give me 5 words synonymous to Youth Culture.
Stephanie Hoff:  Angst, Fuck, Stupid, Mutant, Babies

SAENAI: Which one- Winona or Lisa Bonet or Both?
Stephanie Hoff: Lydia Deetz (Winona Forever)


Jason Escobara